Bharat should teach the principles of harmony to all ,entire world needs it the most – Dr. Mohanji Bhagwat (Sarsanghachalak ,RSS)

Bharat should teach the principles of harmony to all ,entire world needs it the most – Dr. Mohanji Bhagwat (Sarsanghachalak ,RSS)

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ
⛳ विजयादशमी उत्सव ⛳
प्रमुख अतिथि :
पद्मश्री शंकर महादेवन
(सुप्रसिद्ध गायक व संगीतकार)
उद्बोधन :
डॉ. मोहनजी भागवत
सरसंघचालक (रा. स्व. संघ)
मंगलवार, 24 अक्तूबर, 2023, प्रातः 7:40
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
⛳ Vijayadashmi Utsav ⛳
Chief Guest :
Padmashree Shankar Mahadevan
(Renowned Singer & Music Composer)
Speech :
Dr. Mohanji Bhagwat
Sarsanghchalak ,RSS
Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 7.40 AM

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