The Labour 20 chair’s office was inaugurated at Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Dattopant Thengadi Bhawan, New Delhi on Friday, 24th February 2023. Veteran trade union leader and an expert on Dattopant Thengadi literature Shri Amarnath Dogra Ji was Chief Guest of the program. Shri Amarnath Dogra Ji, It is noteworthy that for the year 2023, India has got the presidency of G20 and within the G20 Labour 20 (L20) is one such engagement group that raises globally relevant issues related to labour and world of work. Under Indian presidency, Government of India has accorded the chair of L20 to BMS as it is the largest and most representative trade union of the country. L20 will be headed by Shri Hiranmay J Pandya, President, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. The L20 Secretariat office was inaugurated after performing Havan Puja in the beginning of the program. After this the scope and work plan of L20 were discussed. Shri B. Surendran ji, All India Organizing General Secretary of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh explained the upcoming work plan of L20 through a digital presentation. He explained that L20 will keep “Universal Social Security” & “ Women and Future of Work” as priority areas for discussions. An inception meet is scheduled on 18-20 March, 2023 at Amritsar Punjab. Shri Ravindra Himte, General Secretary, Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh said that BMS has taken upon itself to coordinate with various Trade unions in India and across G20 participant countries for making L20 a grand success. Fortunately we are receiving immense cooperation from trade unions from across the world. Many countries have already sent their consent to participate in the L20 Inception meet in Amritsar. Dignitaries representing organizations like CII, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Foundation, Sanskrit Bharati, ABVP, TUCC, NFITU, RSS, Delhi State BMS, All India office bearers of BMS, DTF attended and extended their best wishes